Music Moves Us! Berlin Magic Too!

controversy music musings Feb 05, 2024

Music Moves Me Part 3 or Better, Yet -- Music Moves Us!

I just gave a speech at my Toastmasters Club Mercury in Berlin. It was all about being under the spell of Berlin Magic most of my adult life. Music also plays a role in the magic of Berlin.I just know that I have written twice on this blog about how music moved me when attending concerts of the Berlin Philharmonic and the German Chamber Orchestra. These concerts influenced me and some Food for Thought so much that I shared it with you all ( These two orchestras are both bold and superlative in their contributions to Berlin Magic--a city than never sleeps, a city on the edge and a city in continuous transformation. Magic is so diverse in its definition and inclusivity. People, Things and Places can all cast spells on us. Music too.

It seems according to the linked article below that Music moves everyone around the world in pretty much the same way. Could this be the magic we are all looking for? We all actually might have something in common that can bond us rather than divide. Can there be an underlying solution implied in this study for closing the divide, minimizing the polarization around the world? Unimaginable? The power of music and how it moves us, perhaps even uniting us! Who knows? 

Try to imagine how music moves you, how it casts its magical spell and how it can be something to share in multiple communities! Share it, share this!

Experience the magic in Berlin! Enjoy!

Music found to cause similar emotions and bodily sensations across cultures

Music found to cause similar emotions and bodily sensations across cultures




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